What we do
We develop the best after-sales
solution together with our customers Learn more
LexCom, the after-sales IT-company
Our world revolves completely around services and
products for the after-sales area.
As an owner-managed, medium-sized company operating on the international market, we are the leading global specialists for after-sales solutions in the field of parts and services. Thanks to our many years of experience, we understand our customers’ business, as well as the challenges and opportunities that they face.
We cover all areas of the data flow in after-sales, starting with secure data management and custom data creation for our customers. With on-time global distribution, we supply our customers with publications that are tailored to their needs and equipped with a large range of communication interfaces to additional systems.
We are currently focusing on digitalisation, predictive maintenance and networked working for our customers’ future-oriented approach. We use our solutions to help manufacturers around the world implement these strategies, optimise after-sales processes using self-learning logics and lay the foundation for digitally mapping the entire process chain. That is how we improve quality, efficiency and turnover and delight our customers.
Both individual companies and entire industries use our solutions.

We set the benchmark!
With our products
We help manufacturers around the world implement after-sales processes using self-learning logics and lay the foundation for digitally mapping the entire process chain.

With our service
Around 350 employees guarantee optimal support for more than 150,000 customers in 150 countries.

On the market
Our customer solutions are designed to increase efficiency and promote sales, and they are implemented with minimal adjustments to the customer's processes. Independent surveys confirm that our solutions set the benchmark in many regards, and not just in the automotive industry.

What we stand for
Sustainability and reliability
Clients and colleagues can rely on each and every one of us. Our products and services are of the very highest quality. Our business model is developed in a stable, sustainable manner – this gives both us and our clients security and thus guarantees our mutual success. We want our customers to be delighted.
We strive for long-lasting satisfaction, we take care to create a good work-life balance and foster a modern and inspiring work environment.
Trust, respect and teamwork
No one is just a number to us. We respect each other, we listen, we are open, reliable and human. We are united by the team spirit that we share, we help one another and are there for each other. Our word counts.
Our communication is open, our paths of communication are short and effective. We treat each other as equals and foster a cooperative leadership style. We encourage the exchange of knowledge among colleagues, provide interesting and meaningful tasks and give each other honest feedback.
Creativity and courage
As reliable partners, we solve complex problems in the after-sales sector with dedication and creativity. We build on the creativity of everyone and demand participation, commitment and initiative. As fast followers, we are agile, flexible and bold, but all with a sense of proportion.
We have character, we impart and use freedom, we are confident and share responsibility for our solutions. The best idea always prevails here.

Where you can find us
Our main office is in Munich. We have sales and support offices in Chemnitz, France, Great Britain,
Japan, China, USA, Mexico as well as in Brazil and Argentina.

LexCom Munich (Headquarter)
LexCom Informationssysteme GmbH
Rüdesheimer Str. 23
D-80686 Munich
Telephone: +49 (0)89 547 15-0
E-mail: [email protected]
Support office in the United Kingdom
LexCom Information Systems Ltd.
9 Nimrod Way
BH21 7UH
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1202 664-100
Telefax: +44 (0) 1202 664-101
Support office in France
LexCom France SARL
Espace Mama Works
51 quai Lawton
FR-33300 Bordeaux
Support office Mexico
Support office in the USA
LexCom USA
LAM Service Corporation
1230 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 30100
Atlanta, GA 30309
Development and support office in Brazil
Optical imaging Comercial Ltd. (OiC)
Rua Kara, 419 - CEP 09750-300
São Bernardo do Campo - SP - Brazil
Telephone: + (55 11) 4331-4770
Support office in Japan
LexCom Japan K.K.
Shin-Yokohama Daini Cenber Bldg. 7F
3-19-5, Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku
JP-Yokohama 222-0033
Telephone: +81 45 471 0956
Telefax: +81 45 628 9608
Support office in China
LexCom (China) Co., Ltd.
Suite G, 9/F Huamin Empire Plaza
728 Yan An West Road Changning
Shanghai 200050
Support office in Argentina
Optical imaging Comercial Ltda (OiC)
Ing. Butty, 240 - 4º Piso - CP 1001 _
Telephone: +(5411) 4590-2335
Development office in Chemnitz
flexcat solutions Ges. für Kommunikationssoftware mbH
Schönherrstraße 8
D-09133 Chemnitz
LexCom München (Hauptsitz)
LexCom Informationssysteme GmbH
Rüdesheimer Str. 23
D-80686 München
Telefon: +49 (0)89 547 15-0
E-Mail: [email protected]
Entwicklungsbüro in Chemnitz
flexcat solutions Ges. für Kommunikationssoftware mbH
Schönherrstraße 8
D-09133 Chemnitz
Supportbüro in Frankreich
LexCom France SARL
Espace Mama Works
51 quai Lawton
FR-33300 Bordeaux
Supportbüro UK
LexCom Information Systems Ltd.
9 Nimrod Way
BH21 7UH
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1202 664-100
Telefax: +44 (0) 1202 664-101
Supportbüro in Japan
LexCom Japan K.K.
Shin-Yokohama Daini Cenber Bldg. 7F
3-19-5, Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku
JP-Yokohama 222-0033
Telefon: +81 45 471 0956
Telefax: +81 45 628 9608
Supportbüro in China
LexCom (China) Co., Ltd.
Suite G, 9/F Huamin Empire Plaza
728 Yan An West Road Changning
Shanghai 200050
Entwicklungs- und Supportbüro Brasilien Optical imaging Comercial Ltd. (OiC)
Rua Kara, 419 - CEP 09750-300
São Bernardo do Campo - SP - Brasilien
Telefon: + (55 11) 4331-4770
Supportbüro Argentinien
Optical imaging Comercial Ltda (OiC)
Ing. Butty, 240 - 4º Piso - CP 1001 _
Telefon: +(5411) 4590-2335
Supportbüro USA
LexCom USA
LAM Service Corporation
1230 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 30100
Atlanta, GA 30309

Do you want to learn more about our products?
We look forward to hearing from you.